Tracks of the Heart Heather Garside

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Heather Garside - Tracks of the Heart краткое содержание

Three short stories of rural romance that will take you on journeys of heartbreak, terror and and a woman&apos;s tentative struggles to reclaim her identity.<br /> <br />Playing With Fire<br />Lisa is forced to revisit a tortured love affair when she recognises her companions on an outback train journey – an ill-fated family from her past.<br /> <br />Bushwhacked<br />Brittany&apos;s quest for adventure on an isolated cattle station goes horribly wrong when she and Scott, the head stockman, are abducted on a lonely county road.<br /> <br />Coming Home<br />Kirsty leaves a destructive marriage to return to her parent&apos;s cattle station, but has to contend with her father&apos;s new manager – the boyfriend she deserted years before in favour of the city.

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