Captain Crossbones Donald Barr Chidsey

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Donald Barr Chidsey - Captain Crossbones краткое содержание

When George Rounsivel&apos;s pirate band captured the niece of the Governor of the Bahamas, that young American buccaneer was in a jam. For he already shared his cabin with a jealous pirate wench who would slip a dagger into him the instant he looked at another woman. <P> Yet he couldn&apos;t throw this blue-blooded captive to the lustful arms of the crew. For as a sea-wolf, Rounsivel was sailing under false colors – and a single word of this from the governor&apos;s niece would leave him at the end of a shaky plank! <P> CAPTAIN CROSSBONES is Donald Barr Chidsey at his adventurous best!

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