Greed on Trial Theresa Barta

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Theresa Barta - Greed on Trial краткое содержание

In today's medical landscape, insurance companies call the shots. In order to make a profit, insurers and health-care corporations often enact policies that require cutting corners on patient care. They ask doctors to double- and triple-book appointments and reduce the amount of time spent with each patient. They pressure doctors to prescribe older, cheaper medications and to limit the number of tests and referrals they order. Often, they threaten doctors that if they do not comply with the new policies, they’ll lose their jobs or insurance affiliations. Despite these threats, in striving to provide excellent medical treatment, good doctors resist these new policies. And in turn, they can find themselves terminated. That’s where Theresa Barta steps in. A highly successful trial attorney, Barta specializes in a very particular type of law: suing insurers and health-care companies who terminate doctors illegally and unethically. Greed on Trial brings Barta’s work to life, following three actual cases from her files. In each case sits a doctor who was wrongfully terminated after rebelling against insurance policies in order to provide premium care to a patient. And in each story, we watch Theresa assemble her evidence, plan a strategy, and take the case to trial. Greed on Trial is an eye-opening book about an issue that affects everyone: insurance company abuses. Once you read it, you will never look at health care the same way again.

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