Success Beyond Your Imagination: Working In the Zone Dr. Robert Puff

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Dr. Robert Puff - Success Beyond Your Imagination: Working In the Zone краткое содержание

In, "Success Beyond Your Imagination: Working in the Zone", Dr. Puff demonstrates what holds most business professionals back. It isn't the market or the business environment, but rather their own mental commentary. By quieting the mental criticism and performing at optimal levels, business professionals will see their sales go up, productivity increase, and mental exhaustion decrease. Thus, by operating "In the Zone," business professionals can learn how to do their jobs exceptionally well-similar to professional athletes who practice and perfect their talents to a world-class level. Indeed what separates the excellent from the elite professional is a performance done "In the Zone." The game or sales consultation is executed flawlessly because the winner has trained to give a top performance, and then proceeds to sink the three-point basket or close the 3 million dollar sale.

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