Ravenfall Narrelle M Harris

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Narrelle M Harris - Ravenfall краткое содержание

What would you do for love?<br />Would you kill? Would you die? Would you give up your soul?<br /> <br />British soldier, Dr James Sharpe, returned from Afghanistan a changed man. Like most war veterans haunted by deadly choices and the horrors of battle, James struggles against his demons. Unlike other ex-soldiers, his demons are real. Transformed in the heat of a desert battlefield, James Sharpe is now a vampire. <br />Struggling London artist, Gabriel Dare, has his own secrets – like who he really is, and why he lived on the streets before lodging with Dr Sharpe; like the ghosts he used to see, that made others question his sanity.<br />James knows Gabriel is the best thing in his life, but questions his ability to love and fears he&apos;s a danger to all. Gabriel knows there&apos;s something different about his enigmatic landlord, but can&apos;t deny his attraction. <br />When some of Gabriel&apos;s street friends go missing, he discovers that London is full of monsters – real, vicious, otherworldly monsters. <br />The two men join forces with a clairvoyant cop and a Peer of the Realm to uncover the truth, for it seems the vampire who sired James is back in London – with a diabolical agenda that threatens the entire nation.<br />

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