Kitty & Cadaver Narrelle M Harris

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Narrelle M Harris - Kitty & Cadaver краткое содержание

Rome&apos;s Burning is a five-piece band with its roots in the 13th century; a line of musicians gifted with the magic-wielding Minstrel Tongue. For hundreds of years, Rome&apos;s Burning and its forebears have used music to protect the world from vampires, trolls, zombies, ghosts, banshees, dragons, water demons and other denizens of the dark.<br /> <br />But after one hellish night in the suburbs of Budapest, Rome&apos;s Burning defeated a nest of vampires at a terrible cost; their lead singer and the love of his life are dead, Rome&apos;s Burning is no more.<br /> <br />The survivors retreat as far as they can – to Melbourne, Australia – to deal with their grief, decide on their future, find a new leader and, as tradition demands, a new name. Before any of that happens, however, these minstrel-warriors have to find out why the dead keep rising everywhere they go.<br /> <br />Everyone has secrets and some of them might explain what&apos;s going on.<br /> <br />Perhaps the key is in the hands of Kitty Carrasco, the Melbourne funeral home beautician who doesn&apos;t know the secrets of her own past.<br /> <br /><b><i>Kitty and Cadaver</i></b> is a story of grief, love, vampires, music, magic, secrets and the restless dead.

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