Meal by Meal Donald Altman

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Donald Altman - Meal by Meal краткое содержание

Meal by Meal is a book of comfort, guidance, and insight for anyone with an unhealthy relationship with food. Its power is in its approach: each day is a self-contained journey of conscious eating to help people nurture new and sustainable attitudes and practices. Although bad habits cannot be changed overnight, the author – Buddhist devotee Donald Altman – shows how to find peace by focusing on food issues one meal at a time. He shares inspirational daily meditations, including quotes from Zen stories, Native American practices, Hindu scriptures, the Bible, and sages from all major wisdom traditions. He also explores food preparation, rituals, and social attitudes and examines questions like «How can we learn that eating is not a pleasure race, but an area to find grace?» and «How can we stop using food to fill ourselves up, and instead use it to fulfill ourselves?» Through daily reflections, Altman enables people to make wise food choices and create balance in their lives.

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