Walter Beauchamp Pedro Mendes

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Pedro Mendes - Walter Beauchamp краткое содержание

: As one of the Canada&apos;s oldest custom tailors, Walter Beauchamp Tailors has nurtured a unique civilian and military tailoring business for over a century. Owned and operated by three generations of the Beauchamp family since 1908, the company appeared on the brink of permanent closure in 2014, but its renaissance was ensured by a bold business move. Now the story behind the success of this iconic brand is captured in an engaging book that takes us on a fascinating tour through the building of a celebrated family business, and into the lives of its devoted clientele.<br><br>Told from the intimate perspective of a custom tailor, here are the stories of officers and soldiers, as well as prime ministers, mayors and judges, artists and explorers, and men and women. Along the way, the book reveals an intriguing history of Toronto through the twentieth century and its rapid growth into a globally renowned city from the vantage point of the Beauchamp shop windows.<br><br><i>Walter Beauchamp: A Tailored History of Toronto</i> is a lively tale of how this renowned company has survived the effects of world wars and the Great Depression, store relocations and the wrecking ball, as well as the fickle face of fashion retail, with grace, elegance, and always discretion.

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