Breathless Descent Lisa Renee Jones

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Lisa Renee Jones - Breathless Descent краткое содержание

Ten years ago, an impulsive eighteen-year-old Shay White kissed Caleb Martin–her brother's best friend. The resulting chemistry was hot enough to send Caleb running. Now he's back…an ex-special forces operative getting his skydiving business off the ground. But Shay figures that all that sexual tension was a «forbidden fruit» sort of thing. A simple kiss should put that fantasy to rest, right?Wrong. Instead, Shay and Caleb find themselves caught in a web of need and decide to finally do something about it…in the most exquisitely carnal way possible. Now Shay and Caleb are tumbling into a lust-fueled freefall–are they headed for a safe landing or the kind of crash that will change their lives forever?

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