The Story of My Life Georg Ebers

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Georg Ebers - The Story of My Life краткое содержание

The Story of My Life is an inspiring autobiographical account of one of the best-known 19th-century German novelists. The autobiography carries the reader from 1837, the year of the author's birth in Berlin, to 1863, when his first novel, An Egyptian Princess, was finished. In this captivating account, Ebers has told the story of his growth from childhood to maturity, when the loss of his health forced the turbulent student to lead a quieter life, and inclination led him to begin his Egyptian studies, which, as we know today, resulted, first of all, in the writing of An Egyptian Princess, then in his travels in the land of the Pharaohs and the discovery of the Ebers Papyrus, the treatise on medicine dating from the second century BC, and finally in the series of brilliant historical novels set in the ancient Egypt times.

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