Miles Apart Annabel Bower

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Annabel Bower - Miles Apart краткое содержание

Told by Annabel Bower after her fourth child Miles was stillborn, Miles Apart offers heartfelt advice on navigating grief and heartache after the loss of a baby at any stage of pregnancy or infancy. By sharing the honest accounts of women who've experienced infertility and loss, alongside her own raw, unfiltered story, Annabel hopes anyone suffering can feel supported, understood and reassured that they will get through this and one day laugh and smile again. She also hopes to guide those supporting the bereaved who often don't know what to say or do. After losing a baby, many women feel: 'miles apart' from their hopes and dreams, 'miles apart' from their old self, and 'miles apart' from those around them. Baby loss can be a lonely path but it's one which should not be walked alone.

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