The Big Three Zalah

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In a world where more and more people feel lost, disconnected, or disenchanted with their lives, The Big Three book offers more than a whisper of hope and guidance. It provides clarity of what the issues are and how to rise above them. Find out where and why you are caught and struggle in life by learning about The Big Three dynamics. You do not have to stay caught in these three dynamics of life anymore. Within these pages, you'll find profound wisdom in a short read that will gently stir your soul to realize that we are truly masters of our own destiny. This little book of big truths will make the un-obvious obvious. You will find a new way of looking at life that will provide you with peace of mind, and subsequently, move you along the path to freedom from what's constantly bothering you. Not only will you start to see where and how deeply you are caught in your life dynamics, but more importantly, you'll learn how to get free of the chains that bind you and prevent you from enjoying your life fully. In truth, it takes you through a transformational journey to connect you with your authentic Self. This book is about the wisdom of the ages (the internal inner knowing) that people are literally dying to hear, because without these tools, we are slowly dying inside – confused by why life is so incredibly hard. You can and eventually will be guided to these truths on your own, but it could take a lifetime. With Zalah's insights, you can begin to contemplate life from a very different perspective and get your magic back. You can begin to get free and enjoy life again! It's a magical transformational journey that will make you smile and shake your head and say, «Of course!»

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