The Burgomaster's Wife (Historical Novel) Georg Ebers

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Georg Ebers - The Burgomaster's Wife (Historical Novel) краткое содержание

The Burgomaster's Wifeis a historical novel set at the time of the Spanish siege of the Dutch city of Leiden. "In the year 1574 A. D. spring made its joyous entry into the Netherlands at an unusually early date. Late in October of the preceding year, just after the storks left the country, a Spanish army had encamped here, and a few hours before the return of the winged wanderers in the first opening days of spring, the besiegers retired without having accomplished their purpose.Barren spots amid the luxuriant growth of vegetation marked the places where they had pitched their tents, the black cinders of the burnt coals their camp-fires.The sorely-threatened inhabitants of the rescued city, with thankful hearts, uttered sighs of relief. The industrious, volatile populace had speedily forgotten the sufferings endured, for early spring is so beautiful, and never does a rescued life seem so delicious as when we are surrounded by the joys of spring."

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