Living a Peaceful Life Dr. Robert Puff

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Dr. Robert Puff - Living a Peaceful Life краткое содержание

This book is the culmination of decades of Dr. Robert Puff's research and personal explorations into the highest levels of human living. A quote from the article: In simpler terms, live completely in the now. Be aware of your surroundings, but practice clearing your mind of the self-talk that clutters your thoughts. Relax and find delight in each and every thing around you, from the tiniest insect, to the song on your car radio, to a colorful painting in your doctor's office. Simply surround yourself in the wonders of "what is," and let go of every other thought. As you learn to just be in the now, the eventual change in you will not only be an acceptance of "what is," but a loving of "what is."

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