Everyday Gourmet William Maltese

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William Maltese - Everyday Gourmet краткое содержание

YOU ALWAYS REMEMBER YOUR FIRST TIME…as gourmand and gourmet author William Maltese proves in this charming memoir, wherein he reminiscences about his first-time encounters with thirty of his favorite menu items during his extensive world travels. Maltese, author of six cookbooks and his WILLIAM MALTESE WINE TASTER'S DIARY volumes for mainstream publisher Wildside/Borgo Press' «Traveling Gourmand» series, takes you on a fascinating culinary journey from the pubs of Ireland, to the lemon groves of Saudi Arabia, to the beaches of Korea, to dining with American working cowboys on day-long, pit-roasted short ribs served up from a chuck wagon on the grazing lands of the US southwest. With his creative skills, and those of his fellow chef and co-author Bonnie Clark, Maltese has duplicated the recipes for all thirty of these memorable Maltese firsts–so that you, too, can enjoy them without journeying beyond the comfort of your own kitchen. You won't stay hungry after sampling these culinary delights!

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