Claiming His Convenient Fiancée Natalie Anderson

Claiming His Convenient Fiancée скачать fb2

Серия: Mills & Boon Modern
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Возрастные ограничения - 18+
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Natalie Anderson - Claiming His Convenient Fiancée краткое содержание

The millionaire’s temporary engagement!Impulsive Catriona Parkes-Wilson must retrieve a forgotten family heirloom, and if that means breaking into the mansion she grew up in, so be it! But she never expected to get caught by the house’s hot-tempered new owner, Alejandro Martinez, nor be forced into posing as his date for one night!Desire rips through Alejandro the minute he sees Kitty, her reckless abandon igniting an animal urge to take her as his own. So when Kitty is mistaken as his fiancée, Alejandro is determined to take full advantage – and unleash the powerful hunger that rages between them!

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