The Stranger in Room 205 GINA WILKINS

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GINA WILKINS - The Stranger in Room 205 краткое содержание

EXTRA! EXTRA! HOT OFF June THE PRESSThe Evening Star's Local Chatter…EDSTOWN, Ark.–Yesterday evening, Serena Schaffer, owner of our town newspaper, found an injured man in a ditch near her home in Edstown. He'd been beaten, robbed and left for dead. Schaffer rushed him to the Edstown hospital, where he's recovering in room 205. The word around town is that it won't be long before those two give in to their powerful attraction to each other….The man in question–Sam Wallace–is a drifter with a vague past. Something tells this reporter that he's not who he claims to be, but one look into his blue eyes and you'd believe anything he said. Although, when it comes to Schaffer and her irresistible smile, there may not be many words spoken!

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