Her Military Man Laura Altom Marie

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Laura Altom Marie - Her Military Man краткое содержание

She Needed Him…Constance Price, aka Miss Manners, is at her wit's end. Thanks to less-than-stellar ratings on her daily radio show, her boss is demanding a turnaround–fast! And that means asking Garret Underwood–her biggest critic and past love–to join her. Whenever the navy SEAL calls in, her ratings skyrocket! There's no way Connie can ask him to help. Or can she?But Could She Keep Her Secret?Garret's in town only temporarily and is «willing» to give Connie a hand. As much as she needs him, Connie plans to keep him at an emotional distance. Keeping him away from her ten-year-old daughter, on the other hand, won't be easy. But how can she tell the man she once loved he's the father of her child?

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