THRIFT Orison Swett Marden

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Orison Swett Marden - THRIFT краткое содержание

The term thrift is not only properly applied to money matters, but to everything in life—the wise use of one's time, the wise use of one's ability, one's energy, and this means prudent living, careful habits of life. If you have cultivated thrift it means that you have demonstrated your ability to control your desires; that you have begun to master yourself, that you are developing some of the grandest human qualities—self-reliance, independence, prudence, foresight; that you are developing your resourcefulness, inventiveness. In other words, it indicates that you have a purpose in life, that you are a man. Dr. Orison Swett Marden (1848-1924) was an American inspirational author who wrote about achieving success in life and founded SUCCESS magazine in 1897. He is often considered as the father of the modern-day inspirational talks and writings and his words make sense even to this day. In his books he discussed the common-sense principles and virtues that make for a well-rounded, successful life.

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