The Lost Soul of Lord Badewyn - The Order of the Muse, Book 3 (Unabridged) Mia Marlowe

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Mia Marlowe - The Lost Soul of Lord Badewyn - The Order of the Muse, Book 3 (Unabridged) краткое содержание

Meg Anthony was never raised a lady. Instead, she grew up amongst grifters who used her unique «finding» ability for their own selfish purposes. Recently, she's been taken under the wing of the Duke of Camden and the Order of M.U.S.E., learning not only the fine art of becoming a lady but also how to use her extraordinary talent to help others. But Meg's gift is a beacon to unsavory characters who would possess her. Charged with her protection, Lord Badewyn knows-too well-that his wild Welsh castle is no safe haven for this lovely, all-too-desirable creature. Part human, part fallen angel, he is one of the Nephilim. He is a recluse sworn never to love. As the dangers to Meg grow more threatening, he cannot help but find himself tempted beyond all reason…and tested to see if he has both a heart and a soul.

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