The Year After Custer Myles Boone's Murchison

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Myles Boone's Murchison - The Year After Custer краткое содержание

1877, the year after Sitting Bull&#39;s victory at Little Big Horn, the U.S. cavalry chases the Nez Perce nation from its homeland in Oregon&#39;s Wallowa Valley. Chief Joseph escapes, leading 800 men, women and children and thousands of horses on an amazing 1700 mile retreat, outwitting five separate U.S. army divisions in a race to reach the Sioux in Canada &acirc;?&rsquo; to unite with them, the Crow, Blackfeet and other native peoples in a war for the American northwest.<br><br>THE YEAR AFTER CUSTER recreates this heroic year with authentic detail in all its epic Western drama &acirc;?&rsquo; that reaches from the whorehouses of Ogallala to lunch with the Rockefellers in New York City; from the tipi of a Nez Perce shaman who believes The Great Spirit speaks in his dreams to the field tent of Colonel Nelson Miles who dreams of becoming the new Custer; from the Oregon orchards that a half-white widow abandons to guide her people through Yellowstone&#39;s secret canyons to a Texas wrangler who flees the law across the Great Plains and finds the passionate and ennobling purpose of his life.<br><br>In the style of Michener and McMurtry, Myles Murchison&#39;s new historical Western brings to life the glory and myth of what is marked today as the Nez Perce Trail, a U.S. National Monument.

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