Navy Hope Geri Krotow

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Geri Krotow - Navy Hope краткое содержание

Fast Fiction Romantic – short stories with a Happy Ever AfterWhen Val DiPaola founded Beyond the Stars, a therapeutic resort for families of fallen soldiers, she never imagined she'd be hiring her ex. Although Val's moved on since Lucas Derringer walked out of her life fifteen years ago, she's never forgotten him. She can't deny that his experience treating vets with PTSD and his background as a Navy SEAL make him perfect for the job. But the minute Lucas steps onto San Juan Island in Puget Sound, Val knows she's in trouble. Because she wants him to be part of her life again—professionally and personally.Only, a lot has happened to both of them since college. At Beyond the Stars, Val and Lucas teach their patients that hope and love can grow from heartbreak. Can they convince each other of the same thing?"

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