Wrangling Cupid's Cowboy Amanda Renee

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Amanda Renee - Wrangling Cupid's Cowboy краткое содержание

Falling head over boots!Farrier Delta Grace has a strict rule about not getting involved with clients. Rugged ranch owner Garrett Slade is exactly why. The attraction between them is instant. He's also her biggest client and the epitome of complicated. A widowed father of two, he’s moved back to Saddle Ridge for a fresh start.Despite her better judgment, Delta can’t stay away from Garrett or his kids. And it’s not long before her heart melts completely, along with her rules. However, when life deals Delta a devastating blow she needs to distance herself from Garrett – their family has already experienced too much heartache. All is not lost though, because with Valentine’s Day around the corner, love may actually conquer all!

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