The Widower's Second Chance Jessica Keller

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Jessica Keller - The Widower's Second Chance краткое содержание

Learning To Love…AgainIdyllic Goose Harbor, Michigan, offers a fresh start for broken-hearted Paige Windom. In addition to securing a teaching job at the high school, she'll fulfill her dream of helping at-risk teens in a nearby inner-city mentoring program. But Caleb Beck, a handsome yet overprotective widower and the center's founder, doesn't want Paige anywhere near the place. He's afraid she'll get hurt–just like his late wife. Paige knows she can do a lot of good–for the kids and Caleb himself. If only she can show him how to let go of his fear, maybe they'll both find a way to reopen their wounded hearts.Goose Harbor: Love is in big supply on the shores of Lake Michigan.

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