Obstetric Clinical Algorithms Hugh Miller

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Hugh Miller - Obstetric Clinical Algorithms краткое содержание

The evidence relating to the advances in obstetric practice and research over the past several decades have resulted in significant improvements in maternal and perinatal outcome. The obstetric care provider has the responsibility to be aware of these improvements and implement evidence-based practice when the situation requires. Clinical decisions should, as much as possible, be evidence based. This requires expertise in retrieving, interpreting, and applying the results of scientific studies and in communicating effectively the risks and benefits of different courses of action to patients. The highly-regarded authors have used easy-to-follow management algorithms presented in a highly visual format to assist rapid decision making; with sections covering: Preventative Health Maternal Disorders Infectious Complications Antenatal Complications Intrapartum / Postpartum Complications Featuring best obstetric management guidance, based on graded published evidence and recommendations, this book will enable practicing and trainee obstetrician-gynecologists and nurse midwives to ensure that the primary goals of the delivery of a healthy mother and a healthy baby are met.

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