Gulliver's Travels Knowledge house

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discover or rediscover all the classics of literature. Contains Active Table of Contents (HTML) and in the end of book include a bonus link to the free audiobook. Jonathan Swift's satirical take on human nature and the traveler narrative of the time is an enjoyable story for children and scholars alike. Gulliver's Travels is Swift's best known full-length work and tells the story of Lemuel Gulliver who seeks to travel the world. When he is shipwrecked, he washes up on the island of Lilliput. He is a captive of a race of tiny people with even tinier concerns. Gulliver escapes and voyages to seven other mythical lands, and in each, means strange people whose foibles illuminate Swift's audience. While Gulliver's Travels was written in 1713, it's popularity has endured as a classic work with many different interpretations.

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