How did the leopard get its spots? Why do the tides ebb and flow? How did the elephant get its trunk? And how was the alphabet made?Rudyard Kipling’s classic collection of fables answers the great questions of animal- and humankind, in a fun, eloquent, and magical way – for children and adults alike. Kipling’s beautifully imaginative answers echo the animal fables he heard during his childhood in India, paired with the folk tales he collected throughout his life.Kipling’s enjoyment in playing...
How did the leopard get its spots? Why do the tides ebb and flow? How did the elephant get its trunk? And how was the alphabet made?Rudyard Kipling’s classic collection of fables answers the great questions of animal- and humankind, in a fun, eloquent, and magical way – for children and adults alike. Kipling’s beautifully imaginative answers echo the animal fables he heard during his childhood in India, paired with the folk tales he collected throughout his life.Kipling’s enjoyment in playing...
How did the leopard get its spots? Why do the tides ebb and flow? How did the elephant get its trunk? And how was the alphabet made?Rudyard Kipling’s classic collection of fables answers the great questions of animal- and humankind, in a fun, eloquent, and magical way – for children and adults alike. Kipling’s beautifully imaginative answers echo the animal fables he heard during his childhood in India, paired with the folk tales he collected throughout his life.Kipling’s enjoyment in playing...
How did the leopard get its spots? Why do the tides ebb and flow? How did the elephant get its trunk? And how was the alphabet made?Rudyard Kipling’s classic collection of fables answers the great questions of animal- and humankind, in a fun, eloquent, and magical way – for children and adults alike. Kipling’s beautifully imaginative answers echo the animal fables he heard during his childhood in India, paired with the folk tales he collected throughout his life.Kipling’s enjoyment in playing...
How did the leopard get its spots? Why do the tides ebb and flow? How did the elephant get its trunk? And how was the alphabet made?Rudyard Kipling’s classic collection of fables answers the great questions of animal- and humankind, in a fun, eloquent, and magical way – for children and adults alike. Kipling’s beautifully imaginative answers echo the animal fables he heard during his childhood in India, paired with the folk tales he collected throughout his life.Kipling’s enjoyment in playing...
Перед Вами величайшее творение Киплинга – роман «Ким», в котором выражена любовь автора к Индии, стране его детства и юности. Марк Твен говорил об этой книге, что ее всю пропитывает «глубокое и тонкое очарование Индии». Герой книги Кимбол О’Хара – сирота, сын солдата-ирландца, служившего в индийской армии. Он – подросток, выросший в среде индийцев, органично в нее вошедший, усвоивший как лучшие, так и не самые хорошие привычки и традиции страны. Ким чувствует себя как рыба в воде в...
Маленький сирота Ким – коренной индиец, хотя его отец был солдатом Британской колониальной армии. Он свободно говорит на многочисленных местных диалектах и уверенно чувствует себя в пестром круговороте индийской жизни, где как в калейдоскопе переплетаются разнообразные культуры и религии. Путешествуя по древней стране вместе со странствующим тибетским ламой, мальчик переживает множество приключений, порой забавных, а порой и опасных. Неожиданно для себя Ким оказывается втянутым в «Большую игру»...