One of William Shakespeare’s most farcical comedies, “The Comedy of Errors” is notable for its use of mistaken identity to achieve a slapstick comedic effect. Ripe with the bard’s characteristic word play, the comedy concerns the lives of two sets of identical twins that were accidentally separated shortly after their birth. The play begins by the elderly Syracusian trader Egeon relating the back story of his family. When Egeon was young he married Emilia who gave birth to two twin boys, known...
Believed to have been written in 1591, William Shakespeare’s “Richard III” is one of the bards first plays, the first installment in a tetralogy of plays which includes “Henry IV, Part I”, “Henry IV, Part II”, and “Henry V”. One of the longest of Shakespeare’s plays and consequently rarely performed unabridged, “Richard III” is the story of the Machiavellian rise to power and subsequent short reign of King Richard III of England. The play begins with Richard, known in the play as Gloucester,...
Tragedia Williama Shakespeare’a napisana około 1606 r. Należy do najczęściej wystawianych i adaptowanych sztuk szekspirowskich. Lord Makbet, wódz w armii króla Dunkana, spotyka trzy wiedźmy, które przepowiadają mu koronę. Ten się opiera, ale podjudzany przez chorobliwie ambitną żonę zabija swojego króla. Aby utrzymać się przy władzy brnie jednak w spiralę zbrodni… „Makbet” jest archetypiczną opowieścią o niebezpieczeństwach związanych z żądzą władzy i zdradą przyjaciół.
Shakespeare’s most famous tragedy about two young «star-cross'd lovers» whose untimely deaths ultimately unite their feuding families… retold with a bit more bite!When a classic is perfect, there is only one thing that can make it better: folding in a breed of monsters! With vampires thrown in the mix, readers will love the darkly hilarious twist on this best-loved tragedy.“For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo”… Add in fangs and you can say that again!