This is a high quality book of the original classic edition. <p> This is a freshly published edition of this culturally important work, which is now, at last, again available to you. <p> Enjoy this classic work. These few paragraphs distill the contents and give you a quick look inside: <p> One time Tom sent a boy to run about town with a blazing stick, which he called a slogan (which was the sign for the Gang to get together), and then he said he had got secret news...
Mark Twains zweites Buch mit dem jugendlichen, von der damaligen Gesellschaft abgestoßenen Huckleberry Finn ist nicht nur abenteuerlich, sondern stellenweise auch sehr zivilisationskritisch und geradezu düster. Es handelt Sklaverei, den Wert eines Menschen, um Lüge und Betrug, um moralisches Tun und um echte Freundschaft, gegen rassismus, rassismus kinderbuch, rassismus deutschland, rassismus für kinder, rassismus in schulbüchern, rassismus und kulturelle identität, george floyd shirt, abenteuer...
All of these selections in this volume were comosed between 1896 and 1905. Mark Twain wrote them after the disasters of the early and middle nineties that had included the decline into bankruptcy of his publishing business, the failure of the typsetting machine in which he invested heavily, and the death of his daughter Susy. Their principal fable is that of a man who has been long favored by luck while pursuing a dream of success that has seemed about to turn into reality. Sudden reverses occur...
Я вылажу вам у сваёй кнізе повесьць у гэткім выглядзе, у якім яна расказана была мне чалавекам, чуўшым яе ад свайго бацькі, які, ізноў-жа ў сваю чаргу, чуў яе ад свайго бацькі, і гэтак далей. Больш як трыста гадоў расказ пераходзіў ад бацькоў да сыноў, з пакаленьня ў пакаленьне, і гэткім спосабам захаваўся да нашых дзён. Зьмест яго, быць можа, й гістарычны факт, а мо' — толькі легэнда, паданьне. Ці сапраўды здарылася тое, што апісана, ці не — цяжка сказаць; але яно магло здарыцца. Вельмі...