Чарльз Диккенс (1812–1870) – один из величайших англоязычных прозаиков XIX века. «Просейте мировую литературу – останется Диккенс» – эти слова принадлежат Льву Толстому. Большой мастер создания интриги, Диккенс насытил драму «Холодный дом» тайнами и запутанными сюжетными ходами. Вы будете плакать и смеяться буквально на одной странице, сочувствовать и сострадать беззащитным и несправедливо обиженным – автор не даст вам перевести дух.
«Картины Италии» – путевые заметки Ч. Диккенса, вышедшие в свет в 1846 году после его длительного путешествия по Италии. Автор не ставил перед собой цель повторить популярные путеводители или искусствоведческие трактаты о достопримечательностях Италии – вместо этого его свежие впечатления стали рядом живых бытовых очерков о заинтересовавших его особенностях этой страны, так не похожей на его родную Англию.
Один из самых красивых и изысканных романов Чарлза Диккенса, положенный в основу множества фильмов и телесериалов. История о странных вещах, странных людях и странных отношениях. Таинственная, фантастическая история, в которой черты реализма переплетаются с мотивами народной и литературной сказки. В ней есть и гротеск, и даже некоторые оттенки «готического» романа, полного мрачных тайн и зловещих недомолвок. Однако литературная эклектичность идет только на пользу «Лавке древностей»,...
Characteristic of Dickens' later writings, «Little Dorrit» is a social condemnation, particularly of the system of prisons set aside for the debtors of England. Through the memorable characters of Amy and her father William Dorrit, as well as the disenchanted Arthur Clennam, recently returned from abroad, Dickens weaves a suspenseful tale that plumbs the depths of confined minds. Despite the changing fortunes of many of the characters, financial scandal is never far behind them, and they...
Characteristic of Dickens' later writings, «Little Dorrit» is a social condemnation, particularly of the system of prisons set aside for the debtors of England. Through the memorable characters of Amy and her father William Dorrit, as well as the disenchanted Arthur Clennam, recently returned from abroad, Dickens weaves a suspenseful tale that plumbs the depths of confined minds. Despite the changing fortunes of many of the characters, financial scandal is never far behind them, and they...
Characteristic of Dickens' later writings, «Little Dorrit» is a social condemnation, particularly of the system of prisons set aside for the debtors of England. Through the memorable characters of Amy and her father William Dorrit, as well as the disenchanted Arthur Clennam, recently returned from abroad, Dickens weaves a suspenseful tale that plumbs the depths of confined minds. Despite the changing fortunes of many of the characters, financial scandal is never far behind them, and they...
Characteristic of Dickens' later writings, «Little Dorrit» is a social condemnation, particularly of the system of prisons set aside for the debtors of England. Through the memorable characters of Amy and her father William Dorrit, as well as the disenchanted Arthur Clennam, recently returned from abroad, Dickens weaves a suspenseful tale that plumbs the depths of confined minds. Despite the changing fortunes of many of the characters, financial scandal is never far behind them, and they...
Regarded by Dickens himself as his best novel upon publication, the experiences of Martin Chuzzlewit relate a tale of familial selfishness and eventual moral redemption. While he is in love with the young Mary Graham, Martin alienates himself from his grandfather and begins working for the corrupt and dishonest Seth Pecksniff. Though he meets the unequivocally kind Tom Pinch during this apprenticeship, Martin is fired and decides to travel to the United States, where he nearly dies. It is in the...
Regarded by Dickens himself as his best novel upon publication, the experiences of Martin Chuzzlewit relate a tale of familial selfishness and eventual moral redemption. While he is in love with the young Mary Graham, Martin alienates himself from his grandfather and begins working for the corrupt and dishonest Seth Pecksniff. Though he meets the unequivocally kind Tom Pinch during this apprenticeship, Martin is fired and decides to travel to the United States, where he nearly dies. It is in the...