As inhabitants of the Anthropocene, what might some of our own histories tell us about how to confront apocalypse? And how might the geologies and ecologies of desert spaces inform how we see and act toward time-the pasts we have erased and paved over, this anxious present, the future we have no choice but to build? National Magazine Award winner Ben Ehrenreich examines how the unprecedented pace of the destruction of our environment and an increasingly unstable geopolitical landscape have led...
BeeWhen I came to New York City, I was engaged to the man of my dreams and I was ready to take the marketing industry by storm. But now? I'm single and working at a dead-end job with a pervy boss. It's official-this city kicked my a**. It's time to pack my bags. A blind date that my friend set up to convince me to stay is most definitely not going to change my mind. Zero chance. Goodbye NYC. MasonI know I have a reputation as a playboy. And I like my reputation. Relationships are...
In Pilzköpfe verliebt man sich nicht! Vor allem nicht, wenn sie einem das letzte Stück Pizza klauen, Cola über die Lieblingsbluse schütten und auch nicht, bloß weil sie zufällig Millonärssöhne sind. Frech, notgeil und nervig – das ist Theo. Zumindest denkt Eileen so, bis sie unerwartet sein Geheimnis lüftet und eine ganz neue Seite an dem Millionen-Erben entdeckt … Lache und leide mit Eileen & Theo und stürze dich in eine der schönsten Liebesgeschichten von Jasmin Whiscy.
In this informative guide, Dr. Stagg outlines the core elements for optimal health as we age: using bitter bioactive foods to improve digestion and metabolism, the bitter truth about how your dietary needs change with age, and how getting rid of bitter feelings will set you up for your greatest potential. Armed with this knowledge, she provides you with a bioactive rich dietary plan that is not only an excellent source of nutrition but also has the added bonus of helping your body absorb more of...
When the acclaimed Cuban painter Wifredo Lam turns up dead in his Greenwich Village studio, officers Juanita Diaz and Brian Fitzgerald of the NYPD must investigate the crime. But what they find is much more gruesome than they ever could have imagined. Suspicion soon falls on a tight-knit circle of Surrealist refugees who fled Nazi-occupied Europe during World War II, and Diaz and Fitzgerald must traverse the city, from Chinatown's underworld to Spanish Harlem's gangland, to find the...
Pina Morgaine hätte sich nicht vorgestellt, wie schwierig es ist, eine Akademie für Hexer zu besuchen. Kein WLAN, keine elektronischen Geräte, nichts ist erlaubt! Berinshall liegt in der Mitte von Norwegen, auf einer Klippe abgelegen – und sie kann noch nicht mal flüchten. Und dann verliebt sie sich in eine Hexe, die von allen anderen gemieden wird … Doch die Hexe hat ein Geheimnis – und zur selben Zeit werden einige Schüler ermordet aufgefunden …
Als Jonas nach dem Fischen nicht heimkehrt, ist sein älterer Bruder Jack in großer Sorge um ihn. Auch seine Mutter Karen wehrt sich mit völliger Verzweiflung gegen den Gedanken, dass sie ihren geliebten Sohn nie wiedersehen wird. Vor allem, weil ihr Ehemann Malcolm seit einigen Jahren ebenfalls als verschollen gilt. Als Jack in der Nacht am Strand Wache hält, begegnet ihm Melody. Überrascht muss er feststellen, dass er es tatsächlich mit einer Meerjungfrau zu tun hat. Jack zweifelt an seinem...
"Die Fähigkeit der Waagen, Wissenslücken durch Intuition und Allgemeinbildung zu schließen, ist geradezu legendär. Einige sprechen gar vom sechsten Sinn der Waagen." Mit diesen Worten eröffnet Waagemuth, Personenwaage im Ruhestand, seine Erinnerungen. Waagemuths Abenteuer beginnen, als der gut situierte Maurermeister Karl-Heinz Stöhricke eine Waage erwirbt, um für seine Rita abzunehmen. Später landet Waagemuth sogar im Knast, dann auf einem Flohmarkt und schließlich im Häuschen des...
It will be a cold day in San Carmelita before Private Investigator Savannah Reid skips over a high-profile homicide case, especially one attached to a tasty reward. But when ninety-year-old former silver-screen siren Lucinda Faraday is murdered inside her derelict mansion, serving justice comes with unsavory risks. The fallen star, considered one of the most beautiful women of her time, was found strangled by a pair of vintage stockings amid a hoard of garbage and priceless memorabilia. Now,...
Sophie Johnson is young, intelligent, and attractive. So when she lands the dream position of Sales Executive at a leading fashion magazine, it appears she has it all. But in reality, she hates her job, is sick of her controlling mother, and is a dating disaster. Then she discovers The Jane Austen Dating Agency, an exclusive club for ladies who want to meet real gentlemen, and believes her luck has changed. And when Sophie meets Darcy Drummond, she thinks her dreams have come true-that is, until...
Willow Andrews would do anything for her grandmother. Rather than having to keep fielding questions about her love life, making up a boyfriend to ease her grandmother's worries didn't seem like such a big deal. It was the perfect plan-until Gammy requested that Willow AND her boyfriend attend her seventy-fifth birthday party-or else. There's no way she can find a real boyfriend in time. Her only option? Asking the hot bartender she's been crushing on…who just so happens to...
The United States occupation of Iraq is a swamp of incompetence and self-delusion. The CPA has disbanded the Iraqi army and police as a consequence of its paranoid policy of de-Ba'athification of Iraqi society. Tales of hubris and reality-denial abound, culminating in Washington hailing the mess "a glorious mission accomplished. Inspector Muhsin al-Khafaji is a mid-level Iraqi cop who deserted his post back in April. Khafaji has lived long enough in pre- and post-Saddam Iraq to know that...
The Harpers have lost one of their own, a legendary adventurer named Artus Cimber, keeper of the artifact known as the Ring of Winter. They've hired you to travel to the jungle-clad land of Chult to find him. Hopefully, you can manage to find Cimber before the frost giants do-or the zombies that infest the land get you first. You're in the jungle now, cleric. Welcome to the Forgotten Realms® Endless Quest®. You are about to embark on a journey. To where, only you could possibly say. It...