"The Doom of London" is a science-fiction series of stories in which various catastrophes beset Victorian London. Table of Contents: The Four White Days – A sudden and deep winter paralyses the city under snow and ice. The Four Days' Night – The city of London is beset by a massive killer smog. The Dust of Death – Diphtheria infects the city, spreading from refuse tips and sewers. A Bubble Burst – How a stock exchange scare dislocated the life of the Empire for two days. The...
"The Master Criminal" is a collection of stories about Felix Gryde, notorious criminal who conducts all sorts of crimes, from robberies and frauds to kidnapping and murder, and manages to never get caught. Table of Contents: The Head of the Caesars At Windsor The Silverpool Cup The «Morrison Raid» Indemnity Cleopatra's Robe The Rosy Cross The Death of the President The Cradlestone Oil Mills Redburn Castle Crysoline Limited The Loss of the Eastern Empress General Marcos ...