High-ranking intelligence officer Jeremy «J.T.» Wainwright tried to stop her from gaining entry into Penwyck's royal family's palace, but feisty reporter Jade Erickson wasn't the type to take no for an answer. Especially not when the man trying to stop her was her very own ex-husband! Once inside the regal residence, Jade and J.T.found themselves trapped together in a service elevator. With tensions mounting and the air thick with growing desire, their once-hot flame was...
On the first day of Christmas…Finding herself in bed with her childhood love after being jilted at the altar by another man wasn't exactly Casey Oakes's idea of a merry Christmas. But she knew she wouldn't have wanted to spend her «wedding» night alone–even if Jake didn't love her.He got a wife… After he and Casey were caught in compromising positions, Jake had proposed. But love had made a fool out of him once, so he told himself that it was only lust his new bride inspired…...
Dėl meilės nebuvo tartasi Džordžija Peidž sutinka tekėti už Šono Konelio, nors žino, kad tai tikra beprotybė. Vis dėlto suvaidinti milijardieriaus sužadėtinę neturėtų būti labai sudėtinga. Bent iki tol, kol jo motinos sveikata pasitaisys. Ji tikrai atsilaikys prieš šio vyro kerus… tai kas, kad jis nuodėmingai patrauklus ir nustabiai vaidina atsidavusį mylimąjį. Viskas atrodo taip paprasta, kol suvaidinti bučiniai ir apsimestinai švelnūs prisilietimai nuveda per toli. Ten, kur jie neketino...
Šešių knygų serija „Beverli Hilso Hadsonai“. Šešta knyga.
Gundymai Holivudo stiliumi
Devlino Hadsono dar niekas nebuvo atstūmęs. Hadsonų studijos vadovas būtų galėjęs turėti bet kurią moterį, bet jam norėjosi tokios, kuri nekeltų reikalavimų. Manė, kad jo žmona Valeri kaip tik tokia ir yra. Tačiau ji, rimta ir prideramai visur besielgianti, ėmė ir pareiškė norinti skirtis. Devlinui beliko visomis išgalėmis mėginti ją išsaugoti. Jis kovos ir susigrąžins žaviąją Valeri senamadišku būdu…
WILL YOU MARRY ME… TEMPORARILY?If Jenny Blake didn't marry in four days, horrors upon horrors would befall her, according to a legendary family curse. Yet standing in her polka-dot dress in the middle of the Love Me Tender Wedding Chapel with hired husband «Jimmy the Lip» wasn't her idea of the perfect wedding. Luckily, a very handsome stranger came to her rescue!Bounty hunter Nick Tarantelli just couldn't let innocent Jenny be taken advantage of – especially by her crooked groom-to-be. He had...
THE BRIDE HAS A SERIOUS CASE OF… PREGNANCY!The stick was blue – and positive! Any way she looked at it, Denise Torrance's well-ordered life was about to turn upside down… and all because of an unexpected night with the man of her dreams! But when that very man insisted they marry for their child's sake, Denise could only hope Mike Ryan would be the groom of her dreams, too… .There was no denying the passion that burned between them – her handsome new husband's desire for her hadn't cooled a bit....
COLONEL DAD… AND MAJOR MOM?Impossible! Could it be that Major Kate Jennings was going to be Major Mom? And the devastatingly handsome marine she'd had a long-distance relationship with was going to be a daddy – Colonel Daddy that is! Suddenly things were very complicated.Especially now that Colonel Tom Candello was her newly assigned boss… . Kate was sure the confirmed bachelor would offer her a marriage of convenience – after all, that was the honorable thing to do. Trouble was, how could Kate...
HER STAND-IN FIANCE?When Tracy Hall vowed to be the belle of her high school reunion, she thought all she'd need was a glamorous new look, a diamond ring on her finger and a fiance – conveniently left behind, of course. Simple, right? Wrong! Once she met up with high school heartthrob Rick Bennet, her simple plan went awry.For after an unexpected night of passion with the gorgeous marine captain, Tracy suddenly found herself inconveniently pregnant. Now Rick no longer wanted to be her pretend...
BACHELOR BATTALION ASSIGNMENT: FATHERHOOD! Captain Jeff Ryan fought a lot of battles as a marine. But daddy duty was his toughest assignment ever! When an infant was left on his doorstep, Jeff called in reinforcements – and temporary nanny Laura Morgan marched into his life. Suddenly, lovely Laura was giving the orders, and Jeff was under siege.Then baby Miranda captured Laura's heart and was ready to commandeer Jeff's. But he had never planned on being a career father – or husband! Was it only...
Emilie Rose. Mylėti – draudžiama Tarp Holtų ir Eliotų kompanijų – arši konkurencija… Obrė Holt su milijonieriumi Lijamu Eliotu susitiko dėl vienintelės priežasties – turėjo surinkti kompromituojančios informacijos apie jo šeimos leidybos kompaniją. Bet vos tik Lijamo lūpos palietė jos lūpas, merginos planai subyrėjo. Ir Lijamas negali atsispirti Obrės kerams, nors puikiai žinojo, kur tai gali nuvesti. Visai netikėtai jų meilės romanas iškyla į viešumą. Tenka rinktis tarp pareigos šeimai...