Mados keičiasi, bet tikra meilė nepavaldi laikui. Čeisas Eteridžas organizuoja svarbiausią renginį savo karjeroje – sesers mergvakarį. Paprastai jis nepasiduoda spaudimui, bet šįkart iš pusiausvyros išveda vakarėlio rengėja – karščiausia jo kada nors regėta mergina su vintažine suknele. Nepasitikėjimą savimi Lola Lombard mėgina paslėpti nepriekaištingomis garbanomis ir raudonais lūpų dažais. Čeisas supranta: jis vienintelis gali įtikinti Lolą, kad po žavingais retro drabužiais slepiasi...
Needed: full-time father!Riley is a single, successful businessman–and knows absolutely nothing about children! But he sees it as his duty to take care of Maya and her baby.Maya is doing just fine. She doesn't need a man to hold her hand…or a part-time father for her son. Even so, Riley's nudging his way into their hearts.So Maya gives him an ultimatum: either he's properly part of their lives, or there's no place for him at all! Riley's about to discover how it feels to have a family of his...
Brody Elliott is a single dad, struggling to bring up his young daughter, Molly. Brody blames himself for the loss of Molly's mother, and is determined to protect his little girl from heartbreak again. So when Molly befriends their pretty and lively new neighbor, Carissa Lewis, Brody is immediately wary.Braving Brody's hostility, Carissa instantly bonds with Molly. Brody's doing his best, but it's obvious his little girl needs a mother–and Molly wants Carissa for the job! If only challenging,...