Nurse Callie Duncan is just putting her life back together when gorgeous psychologist and returning army hero Sebastian Walker arrives at her hospital – he could be just the diversion she needs! Nights spent in roguish Seb’s healing arms kick-start Callie’s broken heart.Now, if independent Callie can just let this dreamy doc deliver a fairytale ending…
Facing her estranged husband Fletcher was always going to be heartbreaking for nurse Tessa King. Especially as Fletcher has one last favour to ask – with his mother critically ill, he needs Tessa to pretend tragedy never tore their marriage apart. Impossible when your husband’s the one man it hurts your heart to touch…but the one man you can’t resist…
Keturių knygų serija „Vestuvių sezonas“. Antra knyga. Pakalbėkime apie mokslą… Samuelis Takeris yra paskutinis vyras žemėje, su kuriuo mokslininkė Kesė Barklai norėtų susitikinėti. Taip, jis nuostabus, bet per daug pasipūtęs ir mano, kad skaičius Pi yra gaivus popiečio desertas. Tačiau per draugės Risės neįvykusių vestuvių vakarėlį Takeris pakviečia Kesę šokti ir ji kažkodėl ištaria taip. Takeris jau priprato, kad žmonės jį laiko raumenų kalnu, neturinčiu smegenų, ir yra nusiteikęs...
Kartais tikrovė būna erotiškesnė nei knyga ! Rašytoja Stela Mils išgyvena kūrybinę krizę. Nutrūktgalviškas debiutinis romanas buvo neįtikėtinai populiarus – visas pasaulis reikalauja tęsinio. Bėda ta, kad jos seksualaus kaip pati nuodėmė herojaus prototipas – vaikystės draugas Rikas Grenvilis! Priverstinai kelias savaites praleidus prabangioje nuotykių ieškotojo Riko jachtoje, vaizduotė prabunda: pamirškite Džonį Depą.... šių laikų piratas Rikas – tikra tobulybė. Žinoma, darosi pavojinga,...
Taisyklės ir yra tam, kad jas laužytų… Elė visuomet elgiasi apgalvotai ir tikrai niekuomet nepasiryžtų vienos nakties nuotykiui. Na, bent jau iki tol, kol į akiratį papuola patraukliausias jos kada nors matytas vyras. Po kelių dienų Elė susitinka su advokatu, kuris turėtų nulemti jos tolesnę karjerą ir gerą vardą, ir apstulbsta: juk tai tas pats velniškai patrauklus nepažįstamasis! Maksas Šeringtonas supranta, kad vien tik jo ryškūs prisiminimai apie Elę gali būti vertinami kaip...
Kai milijoną pasiūlo moteris… Garsi manekenė Eiva Keli labiau pratusi prie prabangių jachtų nei baržų, plaukiojančių Londono kanalais. Tačiau jai beviltiškai reikia pasislėpti nuo paparacų, o gražuolio Bleiko Volkerio laivelis gali tapti puikia užuovėja. Juk mąslus buvęs kareivis ketina ją saugoti… Ne, neketina. Išpuikusi gražuolė Eiva tikrai ne tas žmogus, kurį Bleikas norėtų įsileisti į savo asmeninę erdvę – ji per daug gundanti! Tačiau jo labdaros fondas žlunga, o mergina jam siūlo...
Nurse Harriet Remy and her surgeon husband, Guillaume, thought they had the perfect marriage. They loved working for an overseas medical-aid service and children were never part of their plan—until Harriet's fertility came under threat and her subsequent desire for a baby came between them.After a year apart, they're together on their final assignment. Gill still adores his wife and for him the assignment becomes more than work, it becomes a mission to save his marriage.And this time he's...
Paramedic Lawson Dunlop put his maverick reputation behind him the moment he held his newborn baby daughter. Now, as a devoted single dad, he knows he can only see colleague Victoria Dunleavy as his paramedic partner…Until Vic decides to leave, and Lawson realises that Vic, incredible with his little girl, is also sending his emotions into freefall…
Locum doctor James Remington never stays in one place for long. But the warmth of the people in this welcoming Outback community is starting to make it feel like home–and so is nurse Helen Franklin. James has found it easy to win over the locals in Skye, but Helen proves to be much more of a challenge.Helen's protected her heart for so long that she doesn't know if she's ready to open it up to this charming but temporary doctor. All James knows is that Helen makes him want something he's never...
One night in the on-call room can never be enough for this couple!Regular lovemaking is Dr Luca Di Angelo’s preferred antidote to his stressful life – fortunately his devilish Sicilian charm guarantees multiple opportunities to ‘unwind’! But even he is surprised by the passion a brush with danger inspires in prickly ER doctor Mia McKenzie…Mia is furious she slept with Luca – she’s no blushing virgin, but he has the worst reputation (and the biggest ego) in Sydney! Worse still, he knows she’s...
A down-on-her-romantic-luck kindergarten teacher plans to drown her New Year's Eve sorrows in a gallon of spiked eggnog, but the arrival of her best friend's sexy brother threatens to melt the snow piling up outside the tiny Vermont cabin.
Marshall Dyson wants one thing and one thing only: to raze his grandfather's island to the ground. Everything is ready to go-except for the freakin' bunnies! Hundreds of the furry critters hopping about and multiplying before his eyes. And then there's the American Bunny League, along with one distractingly beautiful veterinarian, taking him to court to save them… Dr. Augusta «Gus» North can't believe the grumpy-and annoyingly hot-builder she's facing in court cares more...