Leave reality behind…at Eros Vacations, there is something sexy in the air! Indulge yourself in the romance of Venice. Learn the art of seduction and the erotic secrets of Roman courtesans while embarking on a luxury adventure filled with moonlight excursions and breathtaking scenery in the city where Casanova made women swoon…For Jorgie Gerald…turns out Casanova isn't just a legend. He's a living, breathing and utterly sexy man named Quint Mason who is driving her wild with desire....
Trijų knygų serija „Sustabdykit vestuves!“ Pirma knyga. Kaip jūs įsivaizduojate katastrofą? Buvusiam kariuomenės kapitonui Bonui Toliveriui katastrofa taptų sesers vestuvės su vyru, kurį ji vargiai pažįsta. Jis nė už ką neleis joms įvykti. Deja, Bonas teturi penkias dienas iš Montanos nusigauti į Floridą ir dar sužeista koja. Tėra vienintelė išeitis – važiuoti su aštrialiežuve kaimyne Tara Duval, kurios kūnas žadina deginantį geidulį. Sulig kiekviena įveikta mylia tarpusavio trauka tik...
Trijų knygų serija„ Sustabdykit vestuves!“ Antra knyga. Trokšdamas susigrąžinti buvusią merginą milijardierius Džebas Vitkombas ištisus metus gyveno labai disciplinuotai. Dabar jis visai kitoks vyras. Išgirdęs apie jos būsimas vestuves Džebas kaipmat išplaukia į jūrą – jis turi vos keturias dienas sutrukdyti vestuves. Ir kol kas nė neįtaria, kad laive yra viena keleivė be bilieto… moteris, kuri gerą vyruką gali priversti elgtis labai blogai! Helė Frenč yra įsiutusi. Vienai nakčiai...
Trijų knygų serija „Sustabdykit vestuves!“ Trečia knyga. Milijardierius Gibas Martinas mėgsta riziką beveik taip pat, kaip ir gerai pasiūtus kostiumus. Tačiau net ir jis nerizikuos prarasti geriausią draugą ir verslo partnerį, kuris sumanė vesti. Gibui tereikia susirasti lėktuvą ir sustabdyti tas kvailas vestuves. Paprastai pilotė Sofija Kruz tokiam išsipusčiusiam miesto vyrukui pasakytų, kur jis gali keliauti su savo pasiūlymu. Deja, jai labai reikia grynųjų – neatsisakytų jų paimti net ir...
Falling in love was not an option for Dr. Tyler Fresno. Certainly not with the mysterious Jane Doe who had been rushed into his emergency room. He'd felt an instant connection to the beautiful woman, and he wanted to help her. But being her knight in shining armor could put his life–and his heart–in danger.On the brink of a scientific breakthrough, Hannah Zachary was now running on borrowed time. She had knowledge that dangerous men would kill to possess. She desperately needed to trust someone,...
Hollywood passionPR rep Paul can have any woman he wants—except Gwen. Taking plain-Jane Gwen out as a favour was supposed to be his ticket in. But after one night why is he so ready to dive back into bed with her?When Callie’s on-air sex tips result in a West Coast book tour, even threats against her aren’t going to slow her down. She gets a bodyguard—Luke. And so begins a dangerous and sensual road trip.When Fiona saunters into Sean’s office his libido roars into overdrive. Sean’s fierce...
A TOUCH OF SILKManhattan columnist Kay Freemont has made a career out of writing about sex and relationships, yet spends her nights alone. So when sexy Alaskan bachelor Quinn Scofield places an ad in her magazine to find a wife, Kay can't resist the opportunity to finally see what all the hype is about. Though city girl Kay was only looking for a red-hot fling, she's beginning to feel right at home, both in the small town of Bear Creek-and in Quinn's loving arms. A Thrill to Remember Meggie...
Night DrivingEx-Army Captain Boone Toliver will do anything to stop his sister marrying a man she hardly knows. But with an injured leg, Boone’s only option is hitching a ride with his free-spirited neighbour, Tara Duvall – who sets his blood on fire!Smooth SailingBillionaire Jeb Whitcomb is desperate to win back his ex – so when she decides to marry someone else, he immediately sets sail. But Jeb has a stowaway, stunning Haley French, the only woman who can make a newly good man…behave badly...