Джона Стюарта Милля в наше время назвали бы вундеркиндом – в три года он начал учить классический греческий язык, в двенадцать лет приступил к изучению высшей математики, химии, логики и политической экономии, к четырнадцати годам образование будущего философа сочли законченным. В тоже время в жизни Милля не было детских развлечений и друзей-ровесников, он рос физически слабым мальчиком. Юношеские невзгоды вылились в душевный кризис, выход из которого виделся Миллю в самоубийстве. Однако...
Written in 1861 and published eight years later, this influential essay by the great English philosopher and economist is still relevant and its arguments significant. Believing that the subjugation of women was primarily political and psychological in origin, Mill urged the establishment of «complete equality in all legal, political, social, and domestic relations between men and women.»Arguing for both legal reforms and a social revolution, he focuses on women's exclusion from the...
This volume, containing Mill's «On Liberty», «Utilitarianism», «Considerations of Representative Government», and «The Subjection of Women», draws together the basic ideas of liberalism that, although radical in their time, have gained recognition as comprehensive and relevant fundamentals of government, economics, and logic. Since the publication of «On Liberty» in 1859, no other nineteenth century philosopher has delved so deeply into the implications of independence from the state and...
“On Liberty and Other Essays” brings together the most important works of philosopher and political economist John Stuart Mill. In “On Liberty” Mill eloquently ponders the question of where the line should be drawn between the freedom of individuals and the authority of the state. As he puts it, “The struggle between liberty and authority is the most conspicuous feature in the portions of history with which we are earliest familiar…” Second in this volume, “Utilitarianism” is the classic...
Including three of his most famous and important essays, Utilitarianism, On Liberty, and Essay on Bentham, along with formative selections from Jeremy Bentham and John Austin, this volume provides a uniquely perspicuous view of Mill's ethical and political thought. Contains Mill's most famous and influential works, Utilitarianism and On Liberty as well as his important Essay on Bentham. Uses the 1871 edition of Utilitarianism, the last to be published in Mill's lifetime. Includes selections from...