The last of James Fenimore Cooper's «Leatherstocking tales» to be written, yet chronologically set first, «The Deerslayer» introduces us to the hero of the series, the young frontiersmen Natty Bumppo. We find him at Otsego Lake in central, upstate New York, during the years 1740-1745, a time in which the advance of civilization dominates the landscape of New York State. The story revolves around the conflict that arises between Natty Bumppo and the Huron tribe when he and his friend...
HarperCollins is proud to present its range of best-loved, essential classics.‘Death and honour are thought to be the same, but today I have learned that sometimes they are not.’Set in frontier America in the midst of the French-Indian war, as the French are attempting to overthrow an English fort, Cooper’s story follows Alice and Cora Munro, pioneer sisters who are trying to find their way back to their father, an English commander. Guided by an army major and Magua, an Indian from the Huron...
One of the most popular novels of early American literature, «The Last of the Mohicans» helped to establish James Fenimore Cooper as one of the first great and world-famous American authors. The second novel in the «Natty» Bumpo series, «The Last of the Mohicans» is set in the British province of New York during the French and Indian War. It concerns the rescue of two sisters, daughters of a British commander who are kidnapped following a Huron massacre of Anglo-American soldiers, by the two...
A massacre at a colonial garrison, the kidnapping of two pioneer sisters by Iroquois tribesmen, the treachery of a renegade brave, and the ambush of innocent settlers create an unforgettable, spine-tingling picture of American frontier life in this classic 18th-century adventure — the most popular of James Fenimore Cooper's Leatherstocking Tales.First published in 1826, the story — set in the forests of upper New York State during the French and Indian War —...
James Fenimore Coopers novel The Last of the Mohicans (subtitled A Narrative of 1757), is a remarkable book for many reasons. First published in 1826, the book represents an early attempt to create substantial literary art from the material of North American history and geography. Although the book has its flaws, it is for the most part a success. <p> In the novel, the white woodsman Hawk-eye and his Mohican Indian comrade Chingachgook join forces to help the daughters of a white...
The Last of the Mohicans: A Narrative of 1757 by James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851) was first published in 1826. It is a war story set in 1757 when the French and British fought in order conquer North America.<br><br>Mermaids Classics, an imprint of Mermaids Publishing brings the very best of old classic literature to a modern era of digital reading by producing high quality books in ebook format. All of the Mermaids Classics epublications are reproductions of classic antique books...
В книге представлен исторический роман выдающегося американского писателя Джеймса Фенимора Купера. «Последний из могикан» – самый популярный роман автора, захватывающий читателя стремительностью и неожиданными поворотами сюжета, яркими образами настоящих героев, увлекательными описаниями мира индейских племен. Произведение дано на языке оригинала. Знакомство с оригиналами творений классиков зарубежной литературы, науки, искусства поможет сегодняшним студентам составить более точное представление...
One of the most popular novels of early American literature, “The Last of the Mohicans” helped to establish James Fenimore Cooper as one of the first great and world-famous American authors. The second and best known novel in the “Leatherstocking Tales” series, “The Last of the Mohicans” is set in the British province of New York during the French and Indian War. It concerns the rescue and transport to safety, of two sisters, Alice and Cora, daughters of British commander Colonel Munro, who are...
While James Fenimore Cooper’s 1840 novel «The Pathfinder» is the fourth installment in «The Leatherstocking Tales» series, the action takes place third chronologically. Set amongst the wilderness of the Great Lakes region of the United States during the French and Indian War, «The Pathfinder» is a classic tale of early American frontiersman Natty Bumpo in which he finds himself rather uncharacteristically falling in love, a romance which pits him against his fundamental mission in life. «The...