Eigentlich wissen wir ja, was wir tun sollten: die Treppe statt des Aufzugs nehmen, uns in die Sportschuhe schwingen und hin und wieder mal ins Schwitzen kommen. Doch wir kennen auch diese lästige Stimme in uns: «Streng dich nicht an!», «Sport ist Mord!». Diese Stimme kommt von Günter, unserem inneren Schweinehund. Erst wenn Günter weiß, wie man gut gelaunt fitter wird, feuert er uns an: «Los, beweg dich!» Und bald schon fühlen wir uns besser als jemals zuvor. Wetten?
How you can use the power of thoughts successfully and realise your deepest desires consistently and with single mindedness. With the power of thoughts, you are the creator and architect of your own world at every moment. As can be read in many books, a vivid image loaded with emotion – which is known to take place in the right-hand side of the brain – is sufficient in itself to bring about the beginnings of this realisation. If you imagine something, or think about it, then it already exists...
Do you suffer from shyness, self-consciousness, facial blushing, fear of public speaking, stage fright, lack of self-confidence and other emotional inhibitions? Then help yourself to eliminate these inhibitions here and now with the EL Method! The EL METHOD by Tony Gaschler is an INTENSIVE ELIMINATION METHOD, which you can use to rid yourself quickly of unwanted psychological and social inhibitions in a surprisingly easy way without needing help from anyone else. Tragic though the...