Много десятилетий считалось, что мы никаким образом не можем влиять на гены. Скорее, они влияют на нас. Однако это не совсем так. Что, если бы вам сказали, что гены могут «пачкаться», как рубашка или джинсы, а ваши жизнь и здоровье напрямую зависят от того, как часто вы устраиваете им «большую стирку»? Автор этой книги, доктор Бен Линч сравнивает наши действия по очистке генов с обыкновенной стиркой одежды и представляет собственноручно разработанную программу, которая предполагает и...
A scientific and historical study of crops and their age-old relationship with human civilization The cultivation and harvesting of crops have been at the heart of human culture and development for thousands of years. As we have grown from hunter-gatherers into agrarian societies and industrial economies, our ongoing relationship with the plants that feed us and support our manufacturing has also evolved. So too, of course, have those plants themselves, with the combined forces of shifting...
A scientific and historical study of crops and their age-old relationship with human civilization The cultivation and harvesting of crops have been at the heart of human culture and development for thousands of years. As we have grown from hunter-gatherers into agrarian societies and industrial economies, our ongoing relationship with the plants that feed us and support our manufacturing has also evolved. So too, of course, have those plants themselves, with the combined forces of shifting...
Эта книга о пестицидах, но не торопитесь отложить ее в сторону: она была написана не только для специалистов, но и для всех, кто интересуется устройством нашего мира. Для всех, кто хочет узнать: что опаснее – эпидемия, вызванная насекомыми, или яды, распыляемые на полях; какой пестицид самый популярный в мире; и как роботы помогут нам в будущих войнах за урожай. Но главное – эта книга о людях, чьи открытия изменили мир и позволили не погибнуть от голода все увеличивающемуся населению Земли.
Жизнь на Земле – непостижимая, вездесущая, кишащая миллионами ног, сучков, колючек и зубов вакханалия, в которой мы существуем и из которой мы происходим. Три с половиной миллиарда лет она обходилась без нас, и вот, в последние мгновения истории, из этого хитросплетения животных, растений, грибов и микробов выныривает человек и задается вопросом: кто я такой и в чем смысл моей, человеческой, жизни? В своей дебютной книге эволюционный нейробиолог Николай Кукушкин шаг за шагом воссоздает картину...
An essential guide to the health care of honey bees Honey Bee Medicine for the Veterinary Practitioner offers an authoritative guide to honey bee health and hive management. Designed for veterinarians and other professionals, the book presents information useful for answering commonly asked questions and for facilitating hive examinations. The book covers a wide range of topics including basic husbandry, equipment and safety, anatomy, genetics, the diagnosis and management of disease. It...
An essential guide to the health care of honey bees Honey Bee Medicine for the Veterinary Practitioner offers an authoritative guide to honey bee health and hive management. Designed for veterinarians and other professionals, the book presents information useful for answering commonly asked questions and for facilitating hive examinations. The book covers a wide range of topics including basic husbandry, equipment and safety, anatomy, genetics, the diagnosis and management of disease. It...
You’ve always dreamed of riding horses. So what are you waiting for? It’s time you realized your equestrian dreams and learned to ride like a pro on the back of a noble steed. And Horseback Riding for Dummies shows you how. Don’t know a horse’s head from its tail, a trot from a canter, withers from a fetlock? No problem. Coauthored by a medal-winning equestrian and nationally respected equestrian trainer, it tells you what you need to know about that elegant animal, body and soul, to become an...
You’ve always dreamed of riding horses. So what are you waiting for? It’s time you realized your equestrian dreams and learned to ride like a pro on the back of a noble steed. And Horseback Riding for Dummies shows you how. Don’t know a horse’s head from its tail, a trot from a canter, withers from a fetlock? No problem. Coauthored by a medal-winning equestrian and nationally respected equestrian trainer, it tells you what you need to know about that elegant animal, body and soul, to become an...
Features new full-color photos and online resources Train, care for, and have fun with your horse If you're crazy about horses, this hands-on guide is all you need to giddy up and go. Featuring updates on breeds, boarding, nutrition, equipment, training, and riding, as well as new information on various equine conditions, this resource shows you how to keep your horse happy – and take your riding skills to the next level. Discover how to * Select the right horse for you * Feed, groom, and handle...