• Comprehensive review of the practical considerations that go into building, owning, and living in a tiny home on wheels.• What it means to upgrade to tiny, and what readers should know about design, construction, and the legalities of living in a tiny home.• Chris Schapdick is the founder of Tiny Industrial, a tiny house building company. He was awarded the “Best Tiny House Award” by the New Jersey Tiny House Festival in 2017.• Other tiny house and small home plans books sold on average over...
The wonderful thing about crochet is its versatility – using very little more than one ball of yarn and a crochet hook you can create stylish fashion garments and unique accessories for your home, with ease. The beautiful and contemporary designs in this book – from the narrow stripe beret and deep v skinny tunic to the mock pleat shoulder bag and crochet squares blanket – all use the latest yarns and colours and have been designed with the style-conscious in mind. There are also shorter...
This clear and concise directory provides all the essential information readers need to grow, use, and store a wide selection of flavor-enhancing herbs and spices. Some herbs are annuals, some are perennials, and some can be grown indoors—but all of those highlighted here can be grown either in pots or directly in the soil. Each individual plant profile includes detailed growing advice. Home and garden expert Linda Gray tells how to prepare the soil, when to sow and plant out, and when to...
More and more consumers are seeking a healthier, greener, and more self-reliant lifestyle. There is also a growing movement of people interested in quality, handcrafted, local products. These introductory handbooks for the fast-growing self-sufficiency movement are now being published in paperback for the first time, at a lower, attractive price point. They offer accessible, practical advice on what to do, how to do it better, and how to save money. Self-Sufficiency Natural Household Cleaning ...
Üksteisega teevad äri inimesed, mitte ettevõtted. Nii on ka Eesti esimene persoonibrändingu raamat “Bränd nimega Sina" mõeldud eelkõige kõigile neile, kes on huvitatud, läbi oma oskuste, annete, tugevuste ja eripära, oma toote või teenuse müümisest. Tugev persoonibränd aitab sul eristuda ja leida kliente ükskõik millises valdkonnas, olgu selleks siis koolituste müük, ärinõustamine, kinnisvara, B2B (ärilt ärile) müük ja eksport, poliitika, kokakunst, personaaltreeningud, iluteenused, veebilehtede...
Edith Zeile, 1936, studierte Anglistik, Klassische Philologie und Geographie in Heidelberg und London und lehrte später an den Universitäten Heidelberg und Pittsburgh, USA. – Seniorbook hat einen Spielplatz für ältere Leute geschaffen, mit erstaunlichen Angeboten. Der Spielplatzbetreiber muss lediglich die Geräte nutzungsgerecht zur Verfügung stellen. Ob jemand von der Schaukel herunterfällt, kann dem Betreiber nicht angelastet werden. Die Besucher des Spielplatzes erschaffen sich ein...