After having published several works on economics, Harriet Martineau travelled through the USA and wrote down her experiences in the work 'Society in America' in 1837. This book is a social study, that is known as one of the first sociological studies at all. She focuses on slavery and on women's role in American society and causes controversial discussion in her time.
Songs of the West is a collection of traditional folk songs originating from the Devon and Cornwall areas in England. Most of them have been collected by word of mouth from regular people who were not musicians. The songs have been notated for piano and singers by Henry Fleetwood Sheppard and Frederick Bussell.
Songs of the West is a collection of traditional folk songs originating from the Devon and Cornwall areas in England. Most of them have been collected by word of mouth from regular people who were not musicians. The songs have been notated for piano and singers by Henry Fleetwood Sheppard and Frederick Bussell.
Кристофер Стюарт был счастливым мужем и отцом, работал в офисе и выплачивал кредиты. Пока однажды ему не попались дневники скандального шпиона и путешественника времен Второй мировой войны Теодора Морде, который нашел в джунглях Гондураса таинственный Белый город. До Морде его находили и другие путешественники, но ни один из них не вернулся домой. Стюарт оставил налаженный быт, чтобы отправиться в главное приключение своей жизни. Реальная история.
Малоизвестные страницы деятельности чекистов во время Великой Отечественной войны в тылу врага. Полученный ими тогда уникальный боевой опыт оказался востребованным в годы «холодной войны».
William James gave public lectures on psychology to the Cambridge teachers in which he explained the psychology he had developed in his «Principles of Psychology» and offered ideas on applying the science of psychology to the art of education. This book contains the substance of his lectures not only given to the Cambridge teachers but to the students as well.
William James gave public lectures on psychology to the Cambridge teachers in which he explained the psychology he had developed in his «Principles of Psychology» and offered ideas on applying the science of psychology to the art of education. This book contains the substance of his lectures not only given to the Cambridge teachers but to the students as well.