A practical approach to the ancient Chinese movement for health and well-being.Tai Chi is a movement practice firmly rooted in Chinese culture and philosophy. The Complete Illustrated Guide to Tai Chi is a beautifully photographed, informative and practical guide to the life-enhancing practice of the short form of Tai Chi. Extensively researched and clearly explained this comprehensive guide includes:History, origins and philosophy of Tai ChiBasic principles – movement and the bodyLife energies...
How do our spiritual beliefs and practices link to our ethics and our care for the natural world around us? John B. Cobb, Jr. and Jay McDaniel join together to provide a view of life that is refreshing, challenging, and expansive. It could even be called all-encompassing. Rather than looking just at how human life can be preserved, with the world itself and the universe beyond as a sort of backdrop, they look at life and divinity in all things, and ask us to look for a way of life that affirms...
Is it possible to think of God as beautiful? We tend to think of God with superlatives, such as omnipotence, omniscience, and infinity. By their very nature, these words tend to also make us see God as distant. It seems almost sacreligious to speak of God in the terms we might use for any other person. Very few would think to call God beautiful. In this book, theologian and pastor Patricia Adams Farmer looks at God in precisely those terms, inviting us to move beyond limiting ways we have of...
Does process theology have something to say about political and social issues and our response to them? In this short book, Bruce Epperly says that it has much to say, and can shape not just the ethics and policies of a better world, but also the way in which we debate and decide those policies. Process theology invites discussion and even guides us toward acceptable and positive compromises. No major political issue of the western world is excluded from this discussion. From immigration to...
Desire for lasting peace, joy, and happiness is an inherent prompting engaging the senses and the intellect toward an inward search for the meaning of life. The Everlasting Gospel of the Kingdom of God (Spirit) Within is the spiritual guidebook for the Aquarian Age. These writings provide the foundation for spiritual awareness, growth, and development toward the realization of at-one-ness with the source of all life. Your spiritual journey awaits. (please have this in the center...
Have you been praying to God for something that you really need to happen, and have yet to see the answer? Are you ready to start praying effective prayers of real faith and confidence that produce the real results that God desires for you? Real Faith Gets Real Results, Simple and Effective Spiritual and Practical Guide To Faith and Answered Prayers is an easy-to-read tool that helps you to understand how praying faith based prayers along with practical application can change any area of your...
This workbook accompanies the book, Path to Prosperity. Imagine living a life of purpose while building wealth and the life you dream of. Your desire to prosper is not only possible but was placed inside of you by God Almighty. With the right knowledge and tools, you can realize that inner voice that has been speaking to you all along, build the confidence to pursue your dreams, and gain wealth along the way. Path to Prosperity is an insightful book that gives you the key to unlock the door to...
Духовное развитие превыше всего. Земной путь – дорога души в поисках Истины и наполнения себя Ее светом. На страницах книги «С молитвой на устах» простые уютные рассказы и размышления первого года моей церковной жизни. Сложного, но бесконечно радостного. Без Бога все крошится, как печенье. С ним – обретается твердая основа. Веришь, значит, все возможно. Радость в глазах, молитва на устах, благодарность в сердце. Соблюдаешь это троичное правило, и мир в душе пребывает всегда.
В данном томе приведен комментарий на недельные главы первой книги Пятикнижия – Береши́т.Комментарий представляет собой анализ простого смысла прямого текста Торы и основан на разъяснениях признанных еврейских мудрецов. При этом он является полностью новым, автор не боится предлагать, по выражению РАШИ, «иное мнение» даже по поводу достаточно установившейся оценки отдельных персонажей Торы. Комментарий занимается только повествовательной частью Торы и не касается ее законодательной части.
Центурии – главная книга пророчества. Ее составляют около тысячи четверостиший, объединенных в главы – центурии. Каждая центурия предсказывает события, должные однажды свершиться и изменить ход истории. Слава предсказаний Нострадамуса надолго пережила автора, споры вокруг них не утихают и по сей день.