Urantiaboken kom ut första gången år 1955 och berättar om människosläktets ursprung, dess historia och öde. Boken svarar på frågor om Gud, om livsformer i vårt universum, om vår världs historia och framtidsutsikter. Dessutom innehåller boken också den inspirerande berättelsen om Jesu liv och gärningar. I Urantiaboken beskrivs relationen mellan människan och Gud. Varje människa är barn till den ende, kärleksfulle Guden och därmed är varje människa också medlem i Guds familj. Boken...
There are moments when the spirit is mute and powerless to give utterance to its interior yearning. It feels the need of a vibrant word to rouse it from its numbness and voice its voiceless aspiration. Hence attempts to provide, in one form or another, daily thoughts for the day's round are coincident with the rising of the religious consciousness. The ancient Forest-Books or Upanishads of the Vedlc period were but the accumulated effort of great sages to help those who surrounded them in...
Buku Urantia , yang pertama diterbitkan oleh Urantia Foundation tahun 1955, menyajikan asal mula, sejarah, dan tujuan akhir umat manusia. Buku ini menjawab pertanyaan tentang Tuhan, kehidupan dalam alam semesta yang dihuni, sejarah dan masa depan dunia ini, dan mencakup suatu kisah yang memberi semangat tentang kehidupan dan ajaran Yesus. Buku Urantia menggambarkan hubungan kita dengan Tuhan sang Bapa. Semua insan manusia adalah putra dan putri Tuhan yang pengasih itu sehingga kita adalah...
Het Urantia Boek , voor het eerst door de Urantia Foundation gepubliceerd in 1955, presenteert ons de oorsprong, geschiedenis en bestemming der mensheid. Het beantwoordt vragen over God, over het leven in het bewoonde universum, over de geschiedenis en toekomst van deze wereld. En het bevat een opbeurend verhaal over het leven en onderricht van Jezus. Het Urantia Boek schets onze relatie met God de Vader. Alle mensen zijn de zonen en dochters van een liefhebbende God en derhalve broers en...
Cartea Urantia, publicată pentru prima dată în 1955, afirmă a fi fost prezentată de fiinţe celeste ca o revelaţie pentru planeta noastră, Urantia.Scrierile Cărţii Urantia ne învaţă despre geneza, istoria, şi destinul omenirii şi despre relaţia noastră cu Dumnezeu Tatăl. Ele prezintă o descriere unică şi...
O Livro de Urântia , publicado pela primeira vez pela Fundação Urântia em 1955, nos apresenta a origem, a história e o destino da humanidade. Ele responde a perguntas sobre Deus, a vida no universo habitado, a história e o futuro deste mundo, e inclui uma narrativa edificante da vida e dos ensinamentos de Jesus. O Livro de Urântia retrata nosso relacionamento com Deus, o Pai. Todos os seres humanos são filhos e filhas de...
E. W. Bullinger was a 19th century English clergyman, scholar, and prolific author. He was best-known in his lifetime for the publication of a detailed Concordance and a six-part Companion Bible. In “The Witness of the Stars”, first published in 1893, Bullinger takes the reader to the time before God left a written record of his word, or scripture. Bullinger rejects the pagan interpretation of constellations and finds instead proof of the word of God to be found in the stars. God has proclaimed...
• An engaging, entertaining, faithful and contagious Episcopal vision for sharing the Christian faith. • Taps into the Episcopal Church's priorities and "The Way of Love " Readers will find in this book a strong and uplifting argument that the Episcopal Church’s theology, sacramental ministry, and commitment to social justice have an essential role to play in mainline Christianity and in the public square. This book will help readers to understand that what it means to be an...
• Part of the group of Little Books that focus on social justice and faith • Written by an immigrant who is also an Episcopal priest and now helps refuges find a new home in American We live amidst the largest mass migration in human history. God has chosen to use the Church, the Body of Christ, to be the instrument of Christ’s healing and restorative love in the world. The restorative and healing work of Christ can be accomplished when each Christian is moved by compassion to see and love...
Urantia Bogen, der først blev udgivet af Urantia Foundation i 1955, præsenterer os med menneskehedens oprindelse, historie og skæbne. Den besvarer spørgsmål om Gud, livet i det beboede univers, verdens historie og fremtid, og den indeholder en opløftende fortælling om Jesu liv og lære. Urantia Bogen skildrer vores forhold til Gud Faderen. Alle mennesker er sønner og døtre af en kærlig Gud og...