When you need to know how to order, perform and evaluate core EP tests and optimize patient care, turn to the one, updated resource you can count on for clear and accessible guidance: Electrophysiologic Testing, 5th Edition. Electrophysiological Testing has become the most trusted resource for those learning or mastering EP testing, from students, nurse and technicians to residents, cardiology fellows, primary care physicians and cardiologists. Dr Fogoros's singular approach clarifies the role...
В книге дается анализ особенностей адаптации сердечно-сосудистой системы к физическим нагрузкам и их влияния на формирование ЭКГ спортсмена. Представлена диагностическая составляющая (текстовая и визуальная) физиологических признаков и патологических отклонений на ЭКГ у спортсменов и указано на необходимость проведения дифференциальной диагностики этих изменений. Акцентировано внимание на диагностике нарушений ЭКГ, способных стать причиной внезапной сердечной смерти у спортсменов, представлены...
В книге дается анализ особенностей адаптации сердечно-сосудистой системы к физическим нагрузкам и их влияния на формирование ЭКГ спортсмена. Представлена диагностическая составляющая (текстовая и визуальная) физиологических признаков и патологических отклонений на ЭКГ у спортсменов и указано на необходимость проведения дифференциальной диагностики этих изменений. Акцентировано внимание на диагностике нарушений ЭКГ, способных стать причиной внезапной сердечной смерти у спортсменов, представлены...
Here is a 'must-read' for all health promotion researchers and practitioners eager to stay one step ahead of the pack. A panoply of insightful and promising new approaches is presented for consideration and exploration in our contemporary behavioral science arsenal. – M. Elaine Auld, MPH, CHES, Chief Executive Officer, Society for Public Health Education «This book is an essential addition to the health practice and research literature, concentrating on theories that have not been extensively...
Here is a 'must-read' for all health promotion researchers and practitioners eager to stay one step ahead of the pack. A panoply of insightful and promising new approaches is presented for consideration and exploration in our contemporary behavioral science arsenal. – M. Elaine Auld, MPH, CHES, Chief Executive Officer, Society for Public Health Education «This book is an essential addition to the health practice and research literature, concentrating on theories that have not been extensively...
Employment law and occupational health: a practical handbook provides an essential guide to best practice for all occupational health practitioners. This readable guide to the law will help to ensure both business success and respect for individual employment rights. The cost of sickness absence can present major costs and business management problems to employers and safeguarding health is therefore vital to every individual and to all employers. Employment law and occupational health: a...
Employment law and occupational health: a practical handbook provides an essential guide to best practice for all occupational health practitioners. This readable guide to the law will help to ensure both business success and respect for individual employment rights. The cost of sickness absence can present major costs and business management problems to employers and safeguarding health is therefore vital to every individual and to all employers. Employment law and occupational health: a...
Endodontic Materials in Clinical Practice delivers a much-needed comprehensive and clinically oriented reference to the materials used in endodontic practice. It provides complete details on the properties of the materials required for specific techniques in order to help in the selection of the appropriate materials and improve patient outcomes. Comprehensive in scope and filled with helpful illustrations, the book covers endodontic materials used from the pulp to the root-end. In addition,...
Endodontic Materials in Clinical Practice delivers a much-needed comprehensive and clinically oriented reference to the materials used in endodontic practice. It provides complete details on the properties of the materials required for specific techniques in order to help in the selection of the appropriate materials and improve patient outcomes. Comprehensive in scope and filled with helpful illustrations, the book covers endodontic materials used from the pulp to the root-end. In addition,...
Назначение этой книги – ознакомить читателя с результатами исследований, раздумий, сомнений и разочарований автора в отношении того, как в наше время можно сохранить здоровье, замедлить процессы старения, сберечь бодрость и силу духа. Н.М. Амосов, видный ученый и известный хирург, убедительно разъясняет, что в большинстве болезней виноваты не природа, не общество, а сам человек. В этой книге вы найдете ответы на вопросы: почему мы болеем, что такое здоровье и как можно сохранить его на долгие...