Leopard diventa amico di un animale scaltro chiamato Scalliwaty che divora tutti i cuccioli del Leopardo. Il Leopardo fa molti tentativi per intrappolare Scalliwatty, senza fortuna.
Leopard diventa amico di un animale scaltro chiamato Scalliwaty che divora tutti i cuccioli del Leopardo. Il Leopardo fa molti tentativi per intrappolare Scalliwatty, senza fortuna.
Doctor John Dolittle loves animals. He loves them so much that his home and office overflow with animals of every description. When Polynesia the parrot teaches him the language of the animals, Doctor Dolittle becomes a world-famous doctor, traveling even as far away as Africa to help his friends.
Here is the first adventure of everyone's favorite doctor, Doctor Dolittle. He lives a boring life in the sleepy little town, Puddleby-on-the-Marsh. But that all changes when a crocodile moves in and his parrot, Polynesia, takes it upon herself to teach the Good Doctor how to speak to animals. This edition contains over 50 of Lofting's orginal illustrations.
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Энциклопедия «Животные Азии» откроет тебе удивительный и многоликий мир животных прекрасной и загадочной Азии. Красочные иллюстрации, интересная информация сделают изучение этой книги по-настоящему увлекательным занятием и помогут узнать много нового.