Käesolev luuleraamat pakub mitmekülgse valiku jõuluajaga seonduvaid luuletusi nii toast, õuest kui ka metsast. Siit leiate vanu armsaid jõulusalme vanavanemate kullavarast, samuti tänapäeval tuntud ja armastatud autorite päris uut loomingut. Las neid loevad nii lapsed, vanemad kui ka vanavanemad! Jõuluvanale kindlasti, aga miks mitte ka üksteisele.
Um dia, uma girafa tranquilamente comia quando chegou um mosquito que imediatamente lhe dizia – Agrada-lhe essa comida? Ela – sim – lhe contestou. – O que você sabe desta vez? – o mosquito perguntou. – Pois é muito boa – a girafa ao mosquito dizia. – Mas para quê? – perguntava e ele curioso parecia. Ela pensou um pouquinho e depois o contestou – A grama é que sabe – e logo se calou.
Od razu zwrócicie na nią uwagę. I nie będziecie mogli oderwać od niej wzroku. Kim jest kobieta na nabrzeżu w porcie w Jemulpo, ubrana w błękitną suknię i trzymająca w ręce kapelusz ozdobiony wzorami róż? Narzeczoną francuskiego konsula? Pierwszą Koreanką, która przemierzy ocean i zamieszka w Paryżu? Najlepszą dworską tancerką, której Taniec Wilgi porusza serca nie tylko króla? Sierotą wychowywaną w pałacu królowej? Opowieść o Ri Jin fascynuje, bo jej losy nierozerwalnie łączą się z historią...
Nell'arco di un anno mi sono impegnato a lavorare con venti caricature che hanno stimolato la mia immaginazione. Intendevo invertire il tradizionale processo di illustrazione dei testi. Ho lavorato sulle illustrazioni ogni giorno. L'obiettivo iniziale era quello di creare dei personaggi comici, ma avevano molto da dirmi. Sono stati i personaggi a sussurrarmi le parole. Hanno sempre avuto una vita propria e non potevo più controllarli. Tutte le poesie, i racconti e i monologhi, in un certo senso,...
A series of seemingly unrelated sensations, connected by a thread fluctuating between prose and poetry. ”Meri-loquizing in a toyteque” is a collection of pictures taken with the pen: a little trip into the complexity of the simplest feelings. In this work, the author wants to emphasize a series of sensations seemingly unrelated, connected by a thread oscillating between prose and poetry. ”Meri-loquizing in a toyteque” is a collection of pictures taken with the pen. Right from the title it is...
One day, a giraffe was quietly eating when a mosquito arrived and immediately said. ―Do you like that food?― ―Yes― she replied. ―What does it taste like this time?― The mosquito asked. One day, a giraffe was quietly eating when a mosquito arrived and immediately said. ―Do you like that food?― ―Yes― she replied. ―What does it taste like this time?― The mosquito asked. ―Delicious― the giraffe told the mosquito. ―But what does it taste like?― He asked and he seemed to be curious. She thinks about...