First published in 1903, this volume revolutionized philosophy and forever altered the direction of ethical studies. It clarifies some of moral philosophy's most common confusions and redefines the science's terminology. 6 chapters explore: the subject matter of ethics, naturalistic ethics, hedonism, metaphysical ethics, ethics in relation to conduct, and the ideal.
Protagoras is a dialogue by Plato. The traditional subtitle (which may or may not be Plato's) is «or the Sophists». The main argument is between the elderly Protagoras, a celebrated Sophist, and Socrates. The discussion takes place at the home of Callias, who is host to Protagoras while he is in town, and concerns the nature of Sophists, the unity and the teachability of virtue. A total of twenty-one people are named as present.
Рассуждение философа о происхождении, природе и функциях общественного пространства, которое Гройс рассматривает как комплексный социально-культурный феномен.
Книга «Суждения и беседы» – это записи высказываний Конфуция, сделанные его учениками и последователями. В конце книги вы найдете биографию Конфуция написанную Павлом Сергеевичем Поповым.