Student Wendy Goldberg spends a year in Jerusalem questioning the lives of American Jews who “return” both to Israel itself and to traditional religious practices. Are they sincere? Are they happier? The unexpected answers and her experiences (a bus bombing, a funeral, an unexpected suicide, a love affair, a law suit),lead her to reconsider her own true identity.
A satirical look at the origins of power, A Zero-Sum Game uses the highly-charged election for the presidency of a residents' committee and the influence of a powerful stranger to both expose those in power and sympathize with the individuals who find themselves caught in the paradox of empowerment and impotence that is modern consumer society and the democratic state.
Debut novel from young Palestinian feminist writer.An illuminating story of a young Palestinian of Christian background living in Israel, regularly crossing the border into the Occupied Territories.
In der Fortsetzung zu «Der Schwimmer» ist wieder Hochspannung garantiert. Eine junge Schwedin, die in New York lebt, wird in die Angelegenheiten IhresBruders verwickelt, der für den IS kämpft. Und ein Kollege von Clara Waldéen wird vor einen fahren Zug gestoßen, kurz nachdem Claras Computer gestohlen wurde. Die Spuren führen nach Schweden. In einem schwülheißen August kreuzen sich dort die Wege der beiden Frauen …
Throughout the ages the possession of an unremarkable sword has seemingly been the magic that allowed dynasties to flourish. When a modern tyrant seeks to find the sword and use its power, The Fund find themselves in a race to locate this treasure and keep it safe from despotism.