Legacy: Phoenix and the Dark Star is a continuation of the story from Legacy: The Mark of Merlin. In Savannah, Georgia, on Halloween night, the benevolent sorceress Ellen Anderson learns from Andie Cornell (a fifteen-year-old medium) that she had drawn the attention of a sinister wizard from New Orleans who practices an elite type of magic—a type of magic that Ellen has never heard of before. As Ellen puts a plan into motion to defend herself, she meets several individuals who will stand with...
Randy, a Harvard student who was ahead of his time in the field of science, set out to prove to his professor that alternate realities were more than science fiction nonsense, and while doing so, he had inadvertently caused himself and six of his friends to switch bodies with their alternate selves of another reality. To make matters worse for Randy’s six friends, Randy, the only one of the seven who could correct the crossed reality, wasn’t attending Harvard nor was he in his hometown. About...
Merlin’s descendants, some evil, some not, and some not even aware of their legacy, have survived to the modern times. On the first Tuesday of October, the kind-hearted sixteen-year-old Ellen Anderson learns that she is one of Merlin’s descendants soon after her legal guardians, her brother Michael and sister-in-law Tanya, were killed in a tragic car accident. As Ellen explores her legacy she eventually befriends Jessica and Karla Harman, sixteen-year-old twin sisters who are also Merlin’s...